Human Trafficking
To provide immediate crisis care and empowerment services to runaway children and transitional age youth (TAY) in high crime areas of South Los Angeles.
24-Hour Immediate Crisis Care: Runaway/homeless youth have the overwhelming burden of navigating through gang dominated areas and violent streets. One of the primary goals of our intervention team is to prevent youth runaways from falling victim to predators and pimps. This is done by a strong community based outreach that implements pro-active peace-keeping/programs in areas that are high traffic areas and where teen runaways concentrate. This includes, but is not limited to, flop houses, drug-dens, homeless encampments, and bus/metro stops. Inner City Visions provides:
- 24 hour crisis response
- Case management – wraparound services
- Substance abuse services
- Legal service
- Mental health services
Multi-Disciplinary Teaming:
Our Multi-Disciplinary Teaming (MDT) process is designed to ensure the medical, social services, and crisis response to sex trafficking is victim-centered. The team assesses the immediate needs of the victim and develops a safety plan. The goal of the MDT process is the stabilization and wellbeing of the victim, utilizing trauma informed approach and trauma specific interventions.
Trauma-Informed Care:
Our trauma informed care program is focused specifically on responding to human trafficking victims and their unique support needs. The Care Coordination program is responsible for:
- Crisis intervention
- Assessment of victims and their families
- Identifying appropriate services
- Enhancing supports
- Assisting with housing, transportation, education, financial needs
- Helping caregivers with a broader support system through support groups and other resources
- Ensuring appropriate referrals
24-Hour Multi-Disciplinary Response Model